Sound Simulation and computer power have finally reached a state of suitability for mass adoption by audio enthusiasts.
Our Services and Products are aimed at providing visual glimpses into the complex world of computer modeling and fine tuning of music rooms based on heavy simulations.
We build your space and customize the acoustical properties, simulate the current responses and optimize to enhance your listening experience for years to come.
Rooms have the biggest impact on your sound system and yet are the most overlooked aspect. Computer simulation is the only way you can objectively calculate improvements.
Small room - 100% Reflective Surfaces
This is a worse case scenario: reflections all over the place, all you get is distortion and listening fatigue.
Small room - Non-Reflective Surfaces
The anechoic chamber: Zero reflection and should "sound" perfect on paper, yet our brains perceive this is a dead room and just not sounding 'correct'.